Musk famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Perfect concordance among reformers is not to be expected; and men who are honestly struggling towards the light cannot hope to attain at one bound to the complete truth. There is always a danger lest the fascination of a new discovery should lead us too far. Men of science, being human, are apt, like lovers, to exaggerate the perfections and be a little blind to the faults of the object of their choice.

  • Almost anyone can be an author; the business is to collect money and fame from this state of being.

  • You are a bundle of mysteries. Finding and conquering yourself is a lifetime task. There are unplumbed depths in you full of the rich ore of personal discovery. Explore yourself! There is power in you - the power to change yourself and to change the world; the power to create plans, projects, movements for the common good; the power to inspire and serve.

  • If you've got a problem, take it out on a drum.

  • Put yourself in the path of lightning,

  • Devotion to God is studying him in every aspect; serving God is teaching what you know of Him to others.

  • Shane Watson seems to have recovered very well from his hamstring injury.

  • Tonight I feel like all of creation is asking us to dance.

  • It's not the sort of night for bed, anyhow.

  • My discovery of Tarkovsky's first film was like a miracle. Suddenly, I found myself standing at the door of a room the keys of which had, until then, never been given to me. It was a room I had always wanted to enter and where he was moving freely and fully at ease. I felt encouraged and stimulated: someone was expressing what I had always wanted to say without knowing how. Tarkovsky is for me the greatest, the one who invented a new language, true to the nature of film, as it captures life as a reflection, life as a dream.