Felons famous quotes


  • Color me! Accessorize me! Shock me!

  • If my career detour from special education to singing has done one thing, it has afforded me the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others.

  • I grew up in a very literate, very independent household where people spoke their ideas and were very supportive of helping each other find their own way

  • Sometimes there's not a better way. Sometimes there's only the hard way.

  • Wittgenstein once wrote that when the eye sees something beautiful, the hand wants to draw it. I wish I could draw you.

  • We are reaching the point where the temperature standstill is becoming the major feature of the recent global warm period that began in 1980. In brief, the global temperature has remained constant for longer than it has increased."

  • Medicare is a promise we made to seniors more than four decades ago. When President Johnson signed Medicare into law, one in three seniors lived in poverty. Half of seniors had no health coverage at all.

  • I want our nation to take responsibility to make sure that every single child can look out the window in the morning and see a whole community getting up and going to work. We want these young people to know the thrill of the first paycheck, the challenge of starting that first business, the pride in following in a parent's footsteps.

  • There is nothing like tasting the grit of fear for rediscovering that the umbilical cord is made of piano wire.

  • It is hard to prevent oneself from believing what one so keenly desires.