Shining famous quotes
52 minutes ago
After eighteen years of being utterly ordinary, I finally found that I can shine" -Bella Swan <3
-- Stephenie Meyer -
The thing you are ripening toward is the fruit of your life. It will make you bright inside, no matter what you are outside. It is a shining thing.
-- Stewart Edward White -
Being a child is such a shining gift, yet we don't know how precious it is until it's worn out and gone away.
-- Storm Constantine -
I have noticed that if you look carefully at people's eyes the first five seconds they look at you, the truth of their feelings will shine through for just an instant before it flickers away.
-- Sue Monk Kidd -
I realized it for the first time in my life: there is nothing but mystery in the world, how it hides behind the fabric of our poor, browbeat days, shining brightly, and we don't even know it.
-- Sue Monk Kidd -
Just because no one has been fortunate enough to realize how wonderful you are, doesnt mean you shine any less.
-- Summer Glau -
But life, if nothing else, had taught her promises weren't always to be counted on, and what appeared at first a shining chance might end in bitter disappointment.
-- Susanna Kearsley -
Language is a serious weapon in shining and sharing Truth. It is also a serious weapon used in its distortion.
-- Suzy Kassem -
You only have to read the lines of scribbly black and everything shines.
-- Syd Barrett -
I have an idea that conscience impedes quite as many merits as faults, is a sort of alloy, a nickel which may prevent silver from bending but also prevents it from shining.
-- Sylvia Townsend Warner -
May our lives be born from the beauty of darkness, and shine with the possibility of light.
-- T. Thorn Coyle -
The star shines for everyone in the world, but in reality, it itself is surrounded in darkness.
-- Tablo -
When you shine bright, some won't enjoy the shadow you cast.
-- Talib Kweli -
I can trust in Jesus. And this Gospel that we preach does work. So those who are hurting and suffering today, hang in there. The sun will shine again.
-- Tammy Faye Bakker -
We had no one else to learn this from- none of our parents were shining examples of relationship success- so we learned this from each other: when someone you love needs you to, you can get a hold of your five-alarm temper, get a hold of the shapeless things that scare you senseless, act like an adult instead of the Cro-Magnon teenager you are, you can do a million things you never saw coming.
-- Tana French -
Women love firefighters so much because it’s like a knight in shining armor kind of thing.
-- Taylor Kinney -
The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness cannot understand it
-- Ted Dekker -
To remove product buildup from your hair, mix a tablespoon of vinegar in your hand with your favorite shampoo and rub through your hair. Concentrate on applying from the ends up and leave in for three to five minutes for beautifully clean hair with amazing shine!
-- Ted Gibson -
There are two ways through life: the way of Nature, and the way of Grace. You have to choose which one you'll follow. Grace doesn't try to please itself. Accepts being slighted, forgotten, disliked. Accepts insults and injuries. Nature only wants to please itself. Get others to please it too. Likes to lord it over them. To have its own way. It finds reasons to be unhappy when all the world is shining around it. And love is smiling through all things.
-- Terrence Malick -
We should never become despondent because the weather is bad, nor should we turn triumphalist because the sun shines.
-- Thabo Mbeki -
The diamond which shines in the Saviour's crown shall burn in unquenched beauty at last on the forehead of every human soul.
-- Theodore Parker -
Trying to do good to people without God's help is no easier than making the sun shine at midnight. You discover that you've got to abandon all your own preferences, your own bright ideas, and guide souls along the road our Lord has marked out for them. You mustn't coerce them into some path of your own choosing.
-- Therese of Lisieux -
I want to shine like a little candle before His altar.
-- Therese of Lisieux -
Better to illuminate than merely to shine, to deliver to others contemplated truths than merely to contemplate.
-- Thomas Aquinas -
Again, the glory of one attribute is more seen in one work than in another: in some things there is more of His goodness, in other things more of His wisdom is seen, and in others more of His power. But in the work of redemption all His perfections and excellencies shine forth in their greatest glory.
-- Thomas Boston -
Viva la the New Brigade! Viva la the Old One, too! Viva la, the Rose shall fade, And the Shamrock shine for ever new!
-- Thomas Davis -
There is no way of telling people that they are all walking around shining like the sun.
-- Thomas Merton -
Life is this simple: we are living in a world that is absolutely transparent and the divine is shining through it all the time. This is not just a nice story or a fable, it is true.
-- Thomas Merton -
Pride thinks it's own happiness shines the brighter by comparing it with the misfortunes of others.
-- Thomas More -
Shining through tears, like April suns in showers, that labor to overcome the cloud that loads em.
-- Thomas Otway -
I fear not, I see not reason for fear. In the end we will be the victors. For though at times the flame of liberty may cease to shine, the ember will never expire.
-- Thomas Paine -
The gospel of Jesus Christ is that penetrating light which shines through the darkness of our lives.
-- Thomas S. Monson -
You are as prone to love as the sun is to shine; it being the most delightful and natural employment of the soul of humans.
-- Thomas Traherne -
You are as prone to love, as the sun is to shine.
-- Thomas Traherne -
For the first fourteen years for a rod they do while for the next as a pearl in the world they do shine. For the next trim beauty beginneth to swerve. For the next matrons or drudges they serve. For the next doth crave a staff for a stay. For the next a bier to fetch them away.
-- Thomas Tusser -
The experiments I am about to relate ... may be repeated with great ease, whenever the sun shines, and without any other apparatus than is at hand to every one.
-- Thomas Young -
I do support enhanced interrogation techniques. Obviously their value is shining through with respect to the bin Laden killing.
-- Tim Pawlenty -
My light shines when things get really tough.
-- Tippi Hedren -
Blooming under a cold moon, we are like fireworks... Rising, shining, and finally scattering and fading. So until that moment comes when we vanish like fireworks... Lets us sparkle brightly, Always...
-- Tite Kubo -
Humor and profundity are not mutually exclusive, and life can be, and mostly is, serious and funny simultaneously. It's not always easy to capture that in words, but when T.M. Shine manages to do so, it's a sign of a master at work.
-- Tom Shroder -
It's where we're nearest to our humanness. Useless knowledge for its own sake. Useful knowledge is good, too, but it's for the faint-hearted, an elaboration of the real thing, which is only to shine some light, it doesn't matter where on what, it's the light itself, against the darkness, it's what's left of God's purpose when you take away God.
-- Tom Stoppard -
One of my greatest talents is recognizing talent in others and giving them the forum to shine.
-- Tory Burch -
It's a great day to be alive. I know the sun's still shining when I close my eyes.
-- Travis Tritt -
From his observations, he concluded that it [Tycho's supernova] was not some kind of comet or a fiery meteor, whether these be generated beneath the Moon or above the Moon, but that it is a star shining in the firmament itself - one that has never previously been seen before our time, in any age since the beginning of the world.
-- Tycho Brahe -
It will be readily admitted that brown tints have never coursed beneath our skin; it will be discovered that yellow shines forth in our flesh, that red blazes, and that green, blue and violet dance upon it with untold charms, voluptuous and caressing.
-- Umberto Boccioni -
And when the storms came through They found me and you Back together And when the sun would shine It was yours and mine. Yours and mine forever.
-- Vanessa L. Williams -
I like Jay-Z, 50 Cent and Common. But I like the underground stuff like Young Jeezy, Black Rob and Shine. I also love heavy metal like Slipknot and Pantera, It's very intense stuff.
-- Vanilla Ice -
I always want another actor to shine in my scene because it makes the film stronger. I would encourage people to scene steal, because filmmaking is a collaborative effort.
-- Vin Diesel -
And I believe the truth is mighty, and shines by its own light.
-- Vincent Bugliosi -
Men, we don't need you in shining armor. We just need you a little bit brave, just a little bit brave.
-- Virginia Madsen -
Harrow the house of the dead; look shining at New styles of architecture, a change of heart.
-- W. H. Auden -
If you're anxious to shine in the high aesthetic line as a man of culture rare, you must get up all the germs of the transcendental terms, and plant them everywhere.
-- W. S. Gilbert -
True translation is transparent: it does not obscure the original, does not stand in its light, but rather allows pure language, as if strengthened by its own medium, to shine even more fully on the original.
-- Walter Benjamin -
And what I was feeling was the wonder Of being more than me, of being more Than mere here and now allowed I had become a shining star, a burning nova Exploded with love Flying through an endlessly Expanding universe Away from the me that was Toward a me that is beyond Understanding.
-- Walter Dean Myers -
I have no ambition to shine beyond my abilities.
-- Washington Allston -
Love is what carries you, for it is always there, even in the dark, or most in the dark, but shining out at times like gold stitches in a piece of embroidery.
-- Wendell Berry -
Abstruse and mystic thoughts you must express With painful care, but seeming easiness; For truth shines brightest thro' the plainest dress.
-- Wentworth Dillon, 4th Earl of Roscommon -
... truth shines brightest thro' the plainest dress.
-- Wentworth Dillon, 4th Earl of Roscommon -
Let your light shine. Be a source of strength and courage. Share your wisdom. Radiate love.
-- Wilferd Peterson -
Love, in the words of the Master, is the shining commandment: LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
-- Wilferd Peterson -
I think I now understand why it is that the young are so very nostalgic. They have so little by way of personal history that they polish it up and make it shine like a treasured heirloom.
-- Will Self -
Our job is to sell our clients' merchandise... not ourselves. Our job is to kill the cleverness that makes us shine instead of the product. Our job is to simplify, to tear away the unrelated, to pluck out the weeds that are smothering the product message.
-- William Bernbach -
we, in that instant, lost, breathless to be witnesses, as if we stood ourselves refreshed among the shining fauna of that fire.
-- William Carlos Williams -
But truths on which depends our main concern, That 'tis our shame and misery not to learn, Shine by the side of every path we tread With such a lustre he that runs may read.
-- William Cowper -
God never meant that man should scale the Heavens By strides of human wisdom. In his works, Though wondrous, he commands us in his word To seek him rather where his mercy shines.
-- William Cowper -
Man in society is like a flow'r, Blown in its native bed. 'Tis there alone His faculties expanded in full bloom Shine out, there only reach their proper use.
-- William Cowper -
Anticipated rents, and bills unpaid, Force many a shining youth into the shade, Not to redeem his time, but his estate, And play the fool, but at the cheaper rate.
-- William Cowper -
A lawyer's dealings should be just and fair; Honesty shines with great advantage there.
-- William Cowper -
If we are to be as a shining city upon a hill, it will be because of our ceaseless pursuit of the constitutional ideal of human dignity.
-- William J. Brennan -
Sense shines with double lustre when set in humility.
-- William Penn -
Seek goodness everywhere, and when it is found, bring it out of its hiding-place and let it be free and unashamed. Place in matter and in flesh the least of the values, for these are things that hold death and must pass away. Discover in all things that which shines and is beyond corruption. Encourage virtue in whatever heart it may have been driven into secrecy and sorrow by the shame and terror of the world.
-- William Saroyan -
Shine out fair sun, till I have bought a glass, That I may see my shadow as I pass.
-- William Shakespeare -
How far that little candle throws its beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
-- William Shakespeare -
Those who are incapable of shining out by dress would do well to consider that the contrast between them and their clothes turns out much to their disadvantage.
-- William Shenstone -
I'd better make hay while the sun shines.
-- Xander Berkeley -
Here (Jerusalem), tears do not weaken the eyes, they only polish and shine the hardness of faces like stone.
-- Yehuda Amichai -
I believe that there are three conditions to a woman’s beauty. First, you must realize that not all women are beautiful all of the time. Sometimes beauty comes on a subconscious level. When she is in love, or has met someone new and exciting, she shines. Second, you must understand that life is unfair. Beauty is something that, for some, must be worked at. The third condition is luck. Some women can just be lucky.
-- Yohji Yamamoto -
God is like the sun. When the sun shines, it shines for everyone. God is for everyone.
-- Ziggy Marley -
I love horror movies! I've loved horror movies since I was about eight years old, not that an 8-year-old should be watching The Shining, but I was allowed to, for some reason. Ever since then, I've loved good horror movies.
-- Alexandra Breckenridge -
Don't try to prove anything about yourself to anyone. It isn't necessary. Your worth shines through to others- know your worth.
-- Alexandra Stoddard -
I hope to shine through my transparency and just let people know that we are all the same. I want children to look at things different like "You're shining too! You just shine in a different way."
-- Avery Sunshine -
The most important thing will be building a bench of powerhouse progressives in elected office and in the next administration. [Bernie] Sanders has an enormous spotlight that he can shine on champions that are following the Sanders path of really building from the left.
-- Ben Wikler -
Vibrate on a frequency that embraces the gifts, growth, and change of others. Accept challenges & failures as part of your journey. Find your light and let it shine. Know your purpose.
-- Casar Jacobson -
As Believers, we shine brightest in a sad and dark world; like a diamond that illuminates best when placed on black velvet.
-- Chris Alexander -
I'm having a blast using the gifts and talents that God has given me as a platform to minister to people and love them and shine the light that He wants me to shine.
-- Christian Hosoi -
The main message of this movie [Let It Shine] that everyone will take away is to believe in yourself.
-- Coco Jones -
As we speak, that is what we are doing. Projects that come to you are not written for you. We have to take a lesson from Will Smith, who develops projects he can shine in. We're trying to develop things from the ground up.
-- Columbus Short -
As each layer of shadow is mined from the darkness, as each fear is faced and each projection reclaimed, the gold shines through.
-- Connie Zweig -
When the sun is shining, the right song is on, and I'm with people I love.
-- Cynthia Addai-Robinson -
There are really at least two Indias, there is an India or a shining India the one which the west seas usually through urbanize and there is an India outside some of the big metro policies and in even the tier two cities and in rural India which is completely different. It goes by the name of Bahar which is a traditional name for India.
-- Cyril Shroff -
We've both with Justine Beck done other things - and do other things - outside of Glassjaw. But Glassjaw's the most shining professional thing I've been part of. And the fact it's happening on the scale is both an honor and it's funny. Its hysterical. It's a fun ride. The whole world's different.
-- Daryl Palumbo -
It's a shame there has to be a tragedy before the best in people will finally shine.
-- E. A. Bucchianeri -
The light of God is in you. Let your light shine!
-- Eleazar -
If we do not share our stories and shine a light on inequities, things will not change.
-- Ellen Pao -
To the extent that we can shine a light on the bad things being done, that's going to have a positive impact.
-- Ezra G. Levin -
When people throw shade, shine brighter!
-- Frankie J. Grande