Happiness is an enemy. It weakens you. Suddenly, you have something to lose.
Nothing mattered much. Nothing much mattered. And the less it mattered the less it mattered. It was never important enough. Because Worse Things had happened. In the country that she came from poised forever between the terror of war and the horror of peace Worse Things kept happening
Patch smiled. “You come by your red hair naturally?†I stared at him. “I don’t have red hair.†“I hate to break it to you, but it’s red. I could light it on fire and it wouldn’t turn any redder.
Would Jove appoint some flower to reign, in matchless beauty on the plain, the Rose (mankind will all agree). The Rose the queen of flowers should be.
Do not let circumstances control you. You change your circumstances.
[A]ll churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Muslim, are simply human inventions. They use fear to enslave us. They are a monopoly for power and profit.
The Space Shuttle is the most effective device known to man for destroying dollar bills.
Remind oneself continually of one of those who practiced virtue in days gone by.
In those days before hearing Charlie Parker and Dizzy, and before learning of the so-called bebop era--by the way, I have some thoughts about that word, "bebop"--my first jazz hero ever, jazz improvisor hero, was Lester Young. I was a big "Lester Young-oholic," and all of my buddies were Lester Young-oholics. We'd get together and dissect, analyze, discuss, and listen to Lester Young's solos for hours and hours and hours. He was our god.
Creativity is an integral part of our personality.