Take a picture not a trophy This is how real men shoot animals
I don't believe you should make fun of anyone but yourself.
If there is one country and its people that have contributed most to western civilisation's man-made world continuously for the last 2000 years, it must surely be Italy.
Barbie's one of those fads whose popularity makes you lose all faith in the human race.
Insanity - a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world.
When people look at a photograph, they believe it... My photographs crawl along that edge. I document the world, but from my own biased point of view.
All the time a person is a child he is both a child and learning to be a parent. After he becomes a parent he becomes predominantly a parent reliving childhood.
Love was like a steamroller. There was no avoiding it; it went over you and you came out flat.
This afternoon held that special quality of mournful emptiness I've connected with late Sunday afternoons ever since childhood: the feeling of having nothing to do.
To the Memory of those faithful brown slave-men of the plantations throughout the South, Daddy's contemporaries all, who during the war while their masters were away fighting in a cause opposed to their emancipation, brought their blankets and slept outside their mistresses' doors, thus keeping night-watch over otherwise unprotected women and children -- a faithful guardianship of which the annals of those troublous times record no instance of betrayal.