Frankly, no newspaper is set up to monitor for cheats and fabricators.
I love Italy and I say I am from Italy wherever I go.
The most important step of all is the first step. Start something.
But the real secret to total gorgeousness is to believe in yourself, have self confindence, and try to be secure in your decisions and thoughts.
From the 3rd century onwards, orthodox Christianity, based on a Hebrew story and worshipping the Jew Jesus, also led many campaigns of anti-Semitism.
Prussian Field Marshals do not mutiny.
What the heck is true love? I remember feeling, back when I was 12 and 'going' with this girl, 'Is this true love?'
Love soothes wounds, while hatred and violence deepen them.
Index funds do not trade from security to security and, thus, they tend to avoid capital gains taxes.
Fail, it's not in my dictionary. I've got a good dictionary up there and the words 'fail' and 'failure' have been ruled out for years. I don't know what people are talking about who use that word. All I do know is temporary non-success, even if I've got to wait another 20 years for what I'm after, and I try to put that into people, no matter what their object in life.