Shadow Kiss famous quotes


  • A passed pawn increase in strength as the number of pieces on the board diminishes.

  • everyone knows how to love because we are all born with that gift.

  • I've never done Something Rotten either.

  • The folks celebrating Jim Bunning are seeing him as an anti-government, anti-spending activist. But to embrace Jim Bunning is to embrace a strange record, if you really are a libertarian, if you really are a deficit hawk, if you really care about spending and responsibility.

  • Religion should be the rule of life, not a casual incident in it.

  • Kids play pretend. I think that kids can be the best actors.

  • Japanese train signs, station signs, are really representative of the Japanese mind to me, because it always has the station where you are, the station you were previously at, and the station that is the next station. When I came to New York, I was very confused. It just doesn't say where I was and where I was going. But I realized after a while probably most people don't need to know what station you were previously at. But I think it's just some weird Japanese mentality that we need to know, we need to connect the plot.

  • It's nice not to be too boring.

  • Things were rough all over, but it was better that way. That way you could tell the other guy was human too.

  • The next minute or so was spent howling on the ceiling . Imp No.1 joined in, but he wasn't really feeling it. It shouldn't be "Who do we hate?", he thought, it really should be "whom", but this probably wasn't a good time to bring that up.