70s Show famous quotes


  • There are no instances known to me of cultures having forsaken Truth or renounced the understanding in its widest sense.

  • Raising a daughter is hard work. There's no other way to describe it for me.

  • Those who have invested the most are the last to surrender.

  • Beyond its practical aspects, gardening - be it of the soil or soul - can lead us on a philosophical and spiritual exploration that is nothing less than a journey into the depths of our own sacredness and the sacredness of all beings. After all, there must be something more mystical beyond the garden gate, something that satisfies the soul's attraction to beauty, peace, solace, and celebration.

  • My biggest problem is I'm so uninteresting that all these people forget I'm around.

  • Doubtless many can recall certain books which have greatly influenced their lives, and in my own case one stands out especially-a translation of Hofmeister's epoch-making treatise on the comparative morphology of plants. This book, studied while an undergraduate at the University of Michigan, was undoubtedly the most important factor in determining the trend of my botanical investigation for many years.

  • There's always another right answer.

  • I took the position from day one that it was the right decree, that the modifications I made to the decree were proper, that the correct outcome had been obtained, and that in due time all of that would become apparent. And it has become apparent.

  • The friends who met here and embraced are gone, Each to his own mistake;

  • We have one of our greatest human experiences when we get an active idea working in our minds.