Specificity famous quotes


  • I am the presence standing here at this juncture of Time & Space- who else?

  • If you can take it to the next level and really tell an interesting story in a unique and fresh way, then I feel like that's a great song.

  • With him, life was routine; without him, life was unbearable.

  • Janet's a serious racer with some good race-car stuff. She can get the job done. I respect her as a racer.

  • [T]he categories of intentionality are nothing more nor less than the metalinguistic categories in terms of which we talk epistemically about overt speech as they appear in the framework of thoughts construed on the model of over speech.

  • The Paris Commune was first and foremost a democracy. The government was a body elected by universal suffrage.

  • A lot of the stuff you do as an actor - or I do, because I can't speak for everyone - is not always consciously thought out. A lot of the time, for me, it's actually just feeling stuff, and it happens all in the moment and your body reacts.

  • We did a lot right with the voters with whom we’ve enjoyed traditional support. But we haven’t done enough to build a larger coalition of voters. We have to modernize our message to reach a larger audience of voters beyond our base.

  • It's of no use to look back and say, "I should have been different." At any given moment, we are the way we are, and we see what we're able to see. For that reason, guilt is always inappropriate.

  • Formerly when a man worked ten hours a day, it was called economic slavery; nowadays it is called moonlighting.