Shiva famous quotes


  • There is never enough gold to redeem all the currency in circulation.

  • Capablanca did not apply himself to opening theory (in which he never therefore achieved much), but delved deeply into the study of end-games and other simple positions which respond to technique rather than to imagination.

  • Conflicts are not a sign you've married the wrong person. They simply affirm you are human.

  • That's almost the best part, making the record cover.

  • Deepika is the epitome of classiness and hotness; she maintains that balance really well.

  • I found so-called great art too pompous, too stiff. What at this time was called minor art was freer, more imaginative, more open to all kinds of unorthodox expression, all kinds of daring in the handling of materials, and I preferred to surround myself with this type of art than with the great collectors' pieces. I had always in my mind that I was collecting for learning.

  • I know you look both ways before you cross the street, but I want you to look both ways a second time, because I told you to.

  • Someone said to me, "How's your rabbit food?" I said, "Fine." ... "How's your vulture food?"

  • A girl’s got to use what she’s given and I’m not going to make a guy drool the way a Britney video does. So I take it to extremes. I don’t say I dress sexily on stage - what I do is so extreme. It’s meant to make guys think: ‘I don’t know if this is sexy or just weird.

  • Strum your guitar sing it kid Just write about your feelings not the things you never did Inexperience, it once had cursed me But your youth is no handicap it's what makes you thirsty