Broken Promises famous quotes
Arbitrary power is like most other things which are very hard, very liable to be broken.
-- Abigail Adams -
Do not be too hard, lest you be broken; do not be too soft, lest you be squeezed.
-- Ali ibn Abi Talib -
Every Indian outbreak that I have ever known has resulted from broken promises and broken treaties by the government.
-- Buffalo Bill -
It makes my heart sick when I remember all the good words and the broken promises.
-- Chief Joseph -
Promises are the uniquely human way of ordering the future, making it predictable and reliable to the extent that this is humanly possible.
-- Hannah Arendt -
At best, the renewal of broken relations is a nervous matter.
-- Henry Adams -
Where evil habits are once settled, they are more easily broken than mended.
-- Quintilian -
Deadlines are meant to be broken. And I just keep breaking them.
-- Sarah McLachlan -
In seeking absolute truth we aim at the unattainable and must be content with broken portions.
-- William Osler -
It's easy to be led astray when you're so broken. People take advantage of you.
-- Willie Aames -
The rigid cause themselves to be broken; the pliable cause themselves to be bound.
-- Xunzi