Fireplaces famous quotes


  • It was not Soviet people who formed the American Communist Party.

  • Being patient, feeling comfortable, taking my walks-that's part of my game.

  • The writers we absorb when we're young bind us to them, sometimes lightly, sometimes with iron. In time, the bonds fall away, but if you look very closely you can sometimes make out the pale white groove of a faded scar, or the telltale chalky red of old rust.

  • Well, I am a great believer in supercompensation. Short term overtraining leads to long-term success. I can hear the complaints about injuries, but, in truth, not too many of us suffer injuries that lead to surgery, according to those studies in the 1950′s. In fact, if you are not a druggie and have some common sense, I think you can afford to train harder than you think.

  • I really do think for the vast majority of cases, doctors didn't think they were doing anything wrong - they were doing what was being recommended at the time, and many times people were able to take these prescription opioids and not have a problem with it. But what we do know is that if we take these drugs long-term, dependency develops quickly, within as little as a week. What we all have to realize is that these pills are chemical cousins of ***** - one is an illegal opioid and one is legal, but they are relatives.

  • When I wrote 'The Giver,' it contained no so-called 'bad words.' It was set, after all, in a mythical, futuristic, and Utopian society. Not only was there no poverty, divorce, racism, sexism, pollution, or violence in the world of 'The Giver'; there was also careful attention paid to language: to its fluency, precision, and power.

  • I've been in this biz so long, it's really my reputation that brings me work.

  • Leaving my first agent was both my best business decision and my worst business decision. It depends on how I want to look at my career because of opportunities that may have come had I stayed with him and because of the opportunities that did come because I had to fight harder for roles.

  • The Notion Of A Contemporary Epiphany To Me Is Very Exciting, Because It's A Sort Of Biblical Thing. It's Something That Has Happened To People In Other Centuries Or In The Context Of Religious Experience...!!!

  • Liberals want to manage the damage with government programs to take care of those who have fallen between the cracks. Populists want to fix the cracks so that people don't fall in the first place.