Innocent Man famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • I was more interested in skating and the girls and traveling than I was in calculus.

  • Carefully purify your conscience from daily faults; suffer no sin to dwell in your heart; small as it may seem, it obscures the light of grace, weighs down the soul, and hinders that constant communion with Jesus Christ which it should be your pleasure to cultivate.

  • In the absence of feedback, people will fill in the blanks with a negative. They will assume you don’t care about them or don’t like them.

  • I don't know of any way to control the subject of one's dreams although I'm fairly certain there are more than a few types of psychoanalysis dedicated to the topic.

  • I'm sure if Shakespeare were alive today, he'd be doing classic guitar solos on YouTube.

  • Considering that I'm British and I talk the way I do, I love it when a director takes a chance on me.

  • I've never been one to make plans, because I never wanted to disappoint myself.

  • The first time I thought about attempting a body suspension was after watching a documentary on rites-of-passage ceremonies from other cultures. I was completely intrigued by what these people put their bodies through.

  • Never try to make Americans or foreigners feel at home - had they wished to feel at home, they would have remained in their own county.

  • Life is more fun if you play games.