Haig famous quotes


  • There is always Joker to see through the delusion. Generation succeeds generation, but there is a fool walking the earth who is never ravaged by time.

  • In teaching it is the method and not the content that is the message.

  • Live one day at a time, and never be afraid.

  • I am curious about color as one would be visiting a new country, because I have never concentrated so closely on color expression. Up to now I have waited at the gates of the temple.

  • I have lived my life in a culture that hates fat people.

  • Like a shadow, I am and I am not.

  • Ideally, I'd prefer never having to be in a test-screening environment. Some famous director said "The group is smart, the individuals are stupid," about the experience of a test screening.

  • If you shake my hand, better count your fingers

  • In France, everyone speaks French 'cause they think it's cool. Gives 'em, gives 'em an excuse to smoke.

  • I thought for a minute, and then I got heavy, heavy boots.