Fear And Faith famous quotes


  • Students who are put in a university who aren't qualified tend to have lower graduation rates, they have lower grades, they have lower bar passage rates. You can demonstrate that. You are putting them in position where they are not set up to succeed.

  • Funk is the unending cycle of life. It's the ultimate concept—wherever your imagination will take it.

  • They say that women talk too much. If you have worked in Congress you know that the filibuster was invented by men.

  • Any man who has once proclaimed violence as his method is inevitably forced to take the lie as his principle.

  • When actors get pigeonholed, that's their own doing to a large degree. Because if you do something that people like, obviously they're going to ask you to do it again. It's up to you to say no. If you're that insecure about working, you'll probably do what you're known to do.

  • Sometimes you think you are 100% right, but you are 100% wrong!

  • I like the thought that what we are to do on this earth is embellish it for its greater beauty, so that oncoming generations can look back to the shapes we leave here and get the same thrill that I get in looking back at theirs - at the Parthenon, at Chartres Cathedral.

  • That one person that says "I heard your stuff and I really like this." It really touches my heart because it's what I love to do. I'd rather do it for the people than do it for a machine, a company that just wants to make money.

  • I'm not being analytical. I just create everything intuitively. If you're too analytical, what you're doing probably ends up being too specific.

  • Women have been trained to speak softly and carry a lipstick. Those days are over.