Caskets famous quotes


  • The liberal understanding of 'the separation of church and state' means that as the area of politics expands, the area of private freedom - religious and otherwise - shrinks.

  • Everything I know now . . . the pitfalls, the highs and lows, everything . . . it taught me and made stronger.

  • Being you is the only thing worth spotlighting.

  • All the days that you wake up you have one job and that's to get better, every single day.

  • When the new light which we beg for shines in upon us, there be [those] who envy and oppose, if it come not first in at their casements.

  • Fame is a form of misunderstanding.

  • We're not prisoners of the past.

  • For me becoming a filmmaker was about taking back my voice - crafting stories that would move away from the problematic narratives that the studio system would put out about Latinos. I think this is why people like my films. They're refreshing. They feel more real.

  • Who knows ... we'll be playing Jazz and having a good time!

  • I think the coca grower needs an alternative to stop growing coca. We need to have a comprehensive policy, which means separating the coca-growing population from the drug-trafficking networks through more presence of the state in the fields of health, education, infrastructure. We need to fight against money-laundering and the exporting of large amounts of cocaine through our ports.