Subordination famous quotes


  • The horse and mule live thirty years And never know of wine and beers. The goat and sheep at twenty die Without a taste of scotch or rye. The cow drinks water by the ton And at eighteen is mostly done. The dog at fifteen cashes in Without the aid of rum or gin. The modest, sober, bone-dry hen Lays eggs for noggs and dies at ten. But sinful, ginful, rum-soaked men Survive three-score years and ten. And some of us, though mighty few Stay pickled 'til we're ninety-two.

  • We put boogers on our fingers, then shake your hand.

  • Wise skepticism is the first attribute of a good critic.

  • Notice what happens when you follow your intuitive feelings. The result is usually increased energy and power, and a sense of things flowing.

  • It's been predictable, in the sense of 'expect the unexpected'.

  • It's Ethan Hawke and John Travolta [in Valley of Violence]. It's awesome. They're awesome.

  • If you have a choice between extra makeup or extra weapons always take the weapons. Just the fact that you're debating between those two choices proves that you're going to need the weapons more.

  • I always remember the words of George Halas, the owner of the Chicago Bears football team. When he was well into his eighties a friend found him in his office on Sunday, and asked him why, at his age, he was working on a Sunday. His response, 'It’s only work if there’s someplace else you’d rather be.'

  • When the government sees a poor area, its solution is to move the poor out.

  • He is the ugliest thing I have ever seen. I have watched Lord of the Rings and films with strange looking people, but for a human being to look like he does is pretty shocking.