Please Yourself famous quotes


  • The negative attitudes toward the genres - romance, science-fiction, westerns, suspense, etc. - are fallout from the academic world's long-standing fascination with existential philosophy and modern theories of psychology and sociology.

  • One thing I always heard from the begining when I talked about this being a movie - was that the rule is that animated movies don't work unless they're Disney movies for kids. Unless they're family movies.

  • I write in English. My first album came out in Italy, and I toured and did gigs.

  • I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies!

  • Take my will, and make it Thine, It shall be no longer mine; Take my heart, it is Thine own; It shall be Thy royal throne.

  • ...there's no such thing as sustainability. There are just levels of it. It's a process, not a real goal. All you can do is work toward it. There's no such thing as any sustainable economy. The only thing I know that's even close to sustainable economic activity would be organic farming on a very small scale or hunting and gathering on a very small scale. And manufacturing, you end up with way more waste than you end up with finished product. It's totally unsustainable. It's just the way it is.

  • An essential part of seeing clearly is finding the willingness to look closely and to go beyond our own ideas.

  • Providing internship opportunities… changes the whole equation.

  • It is worth starting with visions, though, because they establish hopes and fears. History then determines which prevail.

  • Raymond Carver had the quote that I loved about how he felt that a short story was the moment right before someone's life was about to fall apart. You can't really do that with a novel, but with a story you're just left hanging.