Midway famous quotes


  • Rather than relying on my skills, the musical ability of my band or the technical expertise of our production team, I want to learn to rely on the leading of the Holy Spirit. Only then will our churches come alive in worship.

  • Love in its essence is spiritual fire.

  • It was their individuality combined with the shyness of their behavior that remained the most captivating impression of this first encounter with the greatest of the great apes.

  • I feel like I should be able to be 18 and have the friends that I choose and to have fun and live my life.

  • I feel the older I get, the more I'm learning to handle life. Being on this quest for a long time, it's all about finding yourself.

  • As with almost every significant aspect of the Bush presidency, its handling of 9/11 was a catastrophe from start to finish.

  • What is essential, therefore, is not that you no longer believe, but that God continues to believe in you.

  • Why couldn't she be part of that family? rent a room in someone else's life.

  • I'm sure that my father becoming seriously ill when I was 14 had a lot to do with my going from chubby to fat.

  • As we search for a less extractive and polluting economic order, so that we may fit agriculture into the economy of a sustainable culture, community becomes the locus and metaphor for both agriculture and culture.