Abdominals famous quotes


  • Asking politicians to give up a source of money is like asking Dracula to forsake blood.

  • If someone hits me I consider it a challenge.

  • Indian spirituality, proclaimed that the true Godhead was beyond number and count; that it had many manifestations which did not exclude or repel each other but included each other, and went together in friendship; that it was approached in different ways and through many symbols; that it resided in the hearts of its devotees. Here there were no chosen people, no exclusive prophethoods, no privileged churches and fraternities and ummas. The message was subversive of all religions based on exclusive claims.

  • The world is a better place with Saddam in prison not in power.

  • This is I think a dramatic point for conservatives. They are waking up to the fact that this guy, that Donald Trump has an ability to speak to people who they thought were theirs ideologically, people who they thought were a part of their team.

  • Every player should be accorded the privilege of at least one season with the Chicago Cubs. That's baseball as it should be played - in God's own sunshine. And that's really living.

  • Handouts are not going to end global poverty, but work - real work - just might.

  • I just know that I love to write songs, and I have for a long time.

  • But the fact that the word "chattel" has survived as the inclusive legal term for all movable goods, points, not merely to the great importance of cattle in primitive times, but to the importance of the notion of sale or barter in generating the institution of property.

  • This matter is in litigation. All of you know lawyers. They are adamant that you don't say anything.