Time And Love famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Poetry, like jazz, is one of those dazzling diamonds of creative industry that help human beings make sense out of the comedies and tragedies that contextualize our lives.

  • There are many evils in this country. The only remedy for every one of them is freedom for the nation.

  • This was released I think in February and so it is a great deal of fuss being made, it hasn't in fact been given public release, it was released in February ...

  • Morality is good, and is accepted of God, as far as it goes; but the difficulty is, it does not go far enough.

  • It is a great, a pleasant thing to have a friend with whom to walk, untroubled, through the woods, by the stream, saying nothing, at peace--the heart all clean and quiet and empty, ready for the spirit that may choose to be its guest.

  • It occurred to me that a lot of beauty has to do with believing it yourself. That half of what we see is just the way it is presented.

  • Man's real life is happy, chiefly because he is ever expecting that it soon will be so.

  • Maybe it's my libertarian philosophy: but being in government is hard.

  • It is not enough to behave reverently; we must feel in our hearts reverence for our Heavenly Father and our Lord, Jesus Christ. Reverence flows from our admiration and respect for Deity. It is something we feel inside our hearts no matter what is going on around us. It is also a personal responsibility. We cannot blame others for disturbing our reverent attitudes.

  • I would want to be fully informed before advising the president.