Contractor famous quotes


  • The true painter strives to paint what can only be seen through his world.

  • Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity.

  • There's no regret. You can't regret. I mean, I've felt regret but I've also refused to allow regret to sow a seed and live in me because I don't believe it. You feel it, it's like guilt, it's like jealousy, it's like all those horrible things. You've just got to snip them and get them out, because they're no good.

  • We often think of choice as a thing. But a choice is not a thing. Our options may be things, but a choice—a choice is an action. It is not just something we have but something we do.

  • I would love to play a superhero. I wish I could be in 'The Avengers,' kicking butt.

  • My son now is 22 months old, he's been playing since he was 12 months old and he gets standing ovations on the drums. He's been with us since he was 10 weeks old, he's been on the drums. He's got blisters on his fingers before he can even talk.

  • Being a father, being a friend, those are the things that make me feel successful.

  • Family is just accident.... They don't mean to get on your nerves. They don't even mean to be your family, they just are.

  • The wealth of south Florida, but even more important, the meaning and significance of south Florida lies in the black muck of the Everglades and the inevitable development of this country to be the great tropic agricultural center of the world.

  • When things aren't working out as you wish, be patient. Stop trying to move ahead of God. His timing is perfect. Trust Him.