Pantheon famous quotes


  • In a good marriage each is the others better half.

  • Of course I can have a simple reaction of sympathy and sorrow to destruction. But you also know that you can't have new things if you don't occasionally destroy the old. That's something you're really not allowed to say because things are often destroyed according to particular power relations so it means taking a stand in those cases, which I am not really interested in doing either. I think I am simply interested in looking.

  • Our role in Israel is a pioneering one, and we need people with certain strength of fiber.

  • I don't want to go into space because of war. I think we would if it was triggered. If China said they want to put military bases on Mars, we'd be at Mars in two years. That would be quick. I don't want that to be the reason.

  • For us, we just start with the character. We think of Stifler, and that usually just leads to something that's outrageous.

  • I don't need a "reason" to be happy. I don't have to consult the future to know how happy I feel now.

  • Because when all you have is the past, it's hard to let it go.

  • [Albert Camus] started thinking through sensation. He could never think with artefacts or with cultural models because there were none. So it's true to say that his morality was extremely 'lived', made from very concrete things. It never passed by means of abstractions . It's his own experience, his way of thinking.

  • We still have prostitutes standing on our corner, and people crapping round the back of buildings. The charms are still there.

  • Ideas, cultures, and histories cannot seriously be understood or studied without their force, or more precisely their configurations of power, also being studied.