Teflon famous quotes


  • We simply need that wild country available to us... For it can be a means of reassuring ourselves of our sanity as creatures, a part of the geography of hope.

  • Retirement isn't so bad. Give me a tall drink, a plush sofa and a rerun of 'Matlock,' and you can have the rest. Matlock is my hero. He never loses.

  • God beckons storm clouds and they come. He tells the wind to blow and the rain to fall, and they obey immediately. He speaks to the mountains, 'You go there,' and He says to the seas, 'You stop here, and they do it. Everything in all creation responds in obedience to the Creator...until we get to you and me. We have the audacity to look God in the face and say, 'No.

  • If you are watching fanatically over the morality of your children you may yourself be not completely in order.

  • Without involvement, there is no commitment. Mark it down, asterisk it, circle it, underline it." Stephen Covey "It takes a deep commitment to change and an even deeper commitment to grow.

  • I can be one of the dominant players, maybe the dominant player, in the East.

  • Microfinance is an incredibly powerful tool ... but we must move beyond micro-hopes and micro-ambitions for women.

  • In one aspect, yes, I believe in ghosts, but we create them. We haunt ourselves.

  • I still love what I do and I've done OK over the years ... You're a long time retired and anyway, I'd get bored.

  • The hardest thing about having three kids is trying to find a balance, because there's always the odd man out, and you also need to make sure each child gets the attention he or she needs.