Gold Price famous quotes


  • Without the incarnation, Christianity isn’t even a very good story, and most sadly, it means nothing. “Be nice to one another” is not a message that can give my life meaning, assure me of love beyond brokenness, and break open the dark doors of death with the key of hope.

  • The first Latin music that blew my mind was bumba, which was a Puerto Rican beat.

  • There was a time when we wanted to be told what an electron is. The question was never answered. No familiar conceptions can be woven around the electron; it belongs to the waiting list.

  • When I started out as a little kid, I didn't say 'I just want to run football.' I wanted to be a great athlete.

  • The wolves are never meant to be anything other than defending. They're not meant to be aggressors.

  • Days I kept busy with fractured angels' client masquerades.

  • The scientist only imposes two things, namely truth and sincerity, imposes them upon himself and upon other scientists.

  • A tattered copy of Johnson's large Dictionary was a great delight to me, on account of the specimens of English versifications which I found in the Introduction. I learned them as if they were so many poems. I used to keep this old volume close to my pillow; and I amused myself when I awoke in the morning by reciting its jingling contrasts of iambic and trochaic and dactylic metre, and thinking what a charming occupation it must be to "make up" verses.

  • To embrace suffering culminates in greater empathy, the capacity to feel what it is like for the other to suffer, which is the ground for unsentimental compassion and love. (157)

  • The wave does not need to die to become water. She is already water.