North Of Beautiful famous quotes


  • On no further occasion present a flag or medal to an Indian.

  • If anyone else asked that question, O He Who Is Terrible and Great, I would have said they were an ignorant fool; in you it is a sign of the disarming simplicity which is the fount of all virtue.

  • Life is not for show, but for real.

  • Sometimes you can find peace of mind by transferring yourself to different situations. They're just reminders to stay... calm.

  • Listen to the technology; find out what it's telling you.

  • But oh! each visitation Suspends what nature gave me any my birth, My shaping spirit of Imagination.

  • I have done everything I can to make sure my daughter knows her father because you form your own identity by rebelling against your parents - but first you have to know them.

  • The stories we tell ourselves about ourselves are very often not really what happened. And as I started to write stuff down, I started to challenge what I thought I knew about myself, my culture, my family, all of it. It was a huge, destroying process that completely took over my life. I just wasn't here, I mean I was physically present, but I wasn't here, I was back in the 1980s.

  • Silence is the true friend that never betrays.

  • A modern philosopher who has never once suspected himself of being a charlatan must be such a shallow mind that his work is probably not worth reading.