Degrading famous quotes


  • I don't like watching people work if they're making art.

  • Enjoy your life...let loose, party hard and just have a good time :) <3

  • I do remember being a fan of the Marvel characters and not liking the DC characters at all.

  • Because I write fiction, I don't write autobiography, and to me they are very different things. The first-person narrative is a very intimate thing, but you are not addressing other people as 'I' - you are inhabiting that 'I.'

  • Everything I do in investment is just very different.

  • Christians were regarded as separated from society and therefore destructive of the Greco-Roman way of life.

  • While not all men are sexist, all women face the impact of sexism in some way, so the point is there's a massive problem to be solved, and you can be a big part of the solution.

  • There is no greater pleasure in the world than riding a good horse.

  • I only had a three-week break from the beginning of Bent, so I went from one thing to the next. I got back [from shooting Jack Reacher] and there was a sense of, "Oh my God, what do I do now?" I don't have personal trainers around me all the time, I'm not on a meal plan, which I had been on for almost a year straight. There was a lot of sleeping.

  • If you have to do something, write me a funny AIDS play. Sure you can. It's the biggest joke played on us since sex itself - and with the longest punch line.