Celine famous quotes


  • You are so beautiful to me.

  • There's nothing like a pack of mules to give one a sense of entourage.

  • Except for the scale of the operation, there was nothing unusual about Hitler's massacre of the Jews. Genocide's an old tradition, as human as mother love or cherry pie.

  • What's strange is, the people who want to be in the position are never asked to be in the position. Like, if you don't want to do something, then people really want you to do it. And the more you say, "No, really, I'm sorry, it's really not for me," the more they want to convince you that it is, in fact, for you, and that you'd be absolutely perfect.

  • I don't personally try to balance my work because I operate under the assumption that anyone reading or watching my stuff isn't having a particularly balanced day anyway. But negative attitudes just amuse me more than positive ones.

  • Wishing and dreaming are the beginning of all human endeavor.

  • Years of live storytelling and character acting have helped me with building vivid locations and scenes.

  • R-E-S-P-E-C-T, take out the TCP.

  • Sense of pleasure we may well Spare out of life perhaps, and not repine, But live content, which is the calmest life; But pain is perfect misery, the worst Of evils, and excessive, overturns All patience.

  • I'm just looking to get through the day.