Personal Strength famous quotes


  • The church should be a disciplined charging army. Christians, like slaves and solders ask no questions. We are fighting a holy war.

  • The cinema, as literature, as all the plastic arts, do not exist outside of a critical system that allows us to study them.

  • First rule of politics: you can't win unless you're on the ballot. Second rule: If you run, you may lose. And, if you tie, you do not win.

  • Only three types of people tell the truth: Kids, the drunk, and the angry.

  • Government is an art, not a science, and an adventure, not a planned itinerary.

  • We’re surrounded by anonymous, poorly made objects. It’s tempting to think it’s because the people who use them don’t care-just like the people who make them. But what we’ve shown is that people do care. It’s not just about aesthetics. They care about things that are thoughtfully conceived and well made. We make and sell a very, very large number of (hopefully) beautiful, well-made things. our success is a victory for purity, integrity-for giving a damn.

  • I think the thing that impressed me is (AT&T CEO Michael) Armstrong's strategic vision and the fact that he's got John Malone (TCI's chairman) to go along. There's a real commitment to build a new AT&T.

  • Let us put aside resolutely that great fright, tenderly and without malice, daring to be wrong in something important rather than right in some meticulous banality, fearing no evil while the mind is free to search, imagine, and conclude, inviting our countrymen to try other instruments than coercion and suppression in the effort to meet destiny with triumph, genially suspecting that no creed yet calendared in the annals of politics mirrors the doomful possibilities of infinity.

  • We are the only ones who can tell our stories because we are the only ones who have lived them.

  • It is terribly important to do certain things, such as wear overembroidered dresses. After all, the mass follows class. Class never follows mass.