Deals With The Devil famous quotes


  • I came home after a year and although my profession was only hairdressing, I knew I could change it.

  • I have the talent and the tools to win.

  • I was skeptical about doing Texas Chainsaw at first because it's such a cult classic. I'd seen some of the sequels and was not a fan of those.

  • Having a purpose is the little secret of the nonpretties. Something to do always beats something to look at.

  • The difference between appreciation and flattery? That is simple. One is sincere and the other insincere. One comes from the heart out; the other from the teeth out. One is unselfish; the other selfish. One is universally admired; the other universally condemned.

  • I entered what I can only describe as an alternate universe, and experienced timelessness for myself, first-hand. There was no refuting the immortality of the soul for me ever again after that.

  • Choices are like connecting highways. They all take you to the same place. Some just take longer to get there.

  • I'm on a constant yo-yo of health. I will go a week eating incredibly clean, but then I'll follow that up with a month's worth of binge eating. Then I hit the gym and eat clean, and then I mix it up with core exercises, yoga, Pilates, and sitting on an incline bench while checking my phone.

  • The most amazing thing I've ever seen was Jay Johnstone, in uniform, in line at a concession stand in Dodger Stadium after the game had already started.

  • Brand is much more than a name or a logo. Brand is everything and everything is brand