Game Day famous quotes


  • It's a sad thing not to have friends, but it is even sadder not to have enemies.

  • The bile makes it better. I am an information wasting machine - 100s of words a day.

  • I think many people love poetry who don't know they love it. People are sometimes afraid of poetry, or they've been introduced to poetry that doesn't speak to them.

  • We can believe that we know where the world should go. But unless we're in touch with our customers, our model of the world can diverge from reality. There's no substitute for innovation, of course, but innovation is no substitute for being in touch, either.

  • I contemplated suicide. My main concern was that I would not make the New York Times obituary page.

  • When solutions are offered us by the people who originally brought us the problem, we do well to be suspicious.

  • I was a big fan of a writer named Jack Vance, a science fiction writer. He always wrote about these guys who were either going down a river in a strange world or would be in this one land where people acted really strange, and he'd have these interactions with them that were strange - he'd usually get run out of town or something. Then he'd end up in the next town over where the rules were totally different. And I love this stuff.

  • One wants to think that - and this is really a stupid thought - that through your art or whatever you do as an actor you can actually affect someone else's lives and thoughts or whatever.

  • I didn't go to high school, I didn't go to college, I didn't have women's studies. All of my feminist ideals and education have been built around art and my friends and community. And so it's still growing.

  • The Imam throughout his life called America 'the Great Satan'. He believed that all the Muslims' problems were caused by America.