Science And Technology famous quotes


  • Better moods = better performance.

  • I started writing seriously when I was a teenager, around 14 years old.

  • Sometimes it's nice to try different instruments because they have a different sound to offer and therefore your approach changes a little bit. But, I always come back to the piano.

  • During our travels, the Indians entertained me well; and their affection for me was so great, that they utterly refused to leave me there with the others, although the Governor offered them one hundred pounds sterling for me, on purpose to give me a parole to go home.

  • If someone wants to run a campaign about '90s nostalgia, it's not going to be very successful.

  • We decided that humility was defined not by self-deprecating behavior or attitudes but by the esteem with which you regard others... Generally, you can be humble only if you feel really good about yourself - and you want to help those around you feel really good about themselves, too.

  • I will be guided by the Christian ethic and an awareness that human action is by nature transient.

  • The light of a whole life dies When love is gone.

  • These are the stories the Dogs tell, when the fires burn high and the wind is from the north.

  • No one smiled at me, or looked at me twice; shopping has become my time of reckoning; I will never be able to purchase the stardom I have lost.