Edm famous quotes


  • They keep saying that sea levels are rising an' all this. It's nowt to do with the icebergs melting, it's because there's too many fish in it. Get rid of some of the fish and the water will drop. Simple. Basic science.

  • The power efficiency of computing has improved by a factor of a billion from the ENIAC computer of the 1950s to today's handheld devices. Fundamental physics indicates that it should be possible to compute even another billion times more efficiently. That would put the power of all of today's present computers in the palm of your hand. That says to me that the age of computing really hasn't even begun yet.

  • The accomplishment of a world without America and Israel is both possible and feasible.

  • The most pro-business thing you can do is to help middle-class people thrive.

  • Showing kindness causes oxytocin release in the recipient that motives him or her to be kind to others. You can start this virtuous cycle in the simplest ways, for example, by giving someone a hug. I send you a hug!

  • The spiritual journey is what the soul is up to while we attend to daily living.

  • I’m a pretty chill person. I’m kind of a homebody and I like to just hang out with friends and have dinner. I’m not, you know - I’m definitely not Neal Caffrey in the sense that I’m not, you know, drinking a $500 bottle of wine at a nightclub. I’m just - I’m pretty chill.

  • It is really not the number of things you do , but the efficiency of each separate action that counts.

  • It's OK to have your eggs in one basket as long as you control what happens to that basket.

  • I don't wear orange or yellow on the red carpet because my skin kind of blends in with them.