Marcus Flutie famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • I don’t know how to explain it.” “Try words. If that doesn’t work, we’ll move on to interpretive dance.

  • Most DRM solutions diminish the value of the product by either directly restricting a customer's use or by creating uncertainty.

  • If you don't like my ocean don't fish in my sea Stay out of my valley and let my mountain be.

  • Barack Obama knows that America cannot be strong abroad unless we are strong at home. People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than the example of our power.

  • War, sometimes you have to go for it, you know?

  • Truth does less good in the world than its appearances do harm.

  • I don't think that coming from a privileged background makes you this monster who doesn't feel things.

  • I think the coca grower needs an alternative to stop growing coca. We need to have a comprehensive policy, which means separating the coca-growing population from the drug-trafficking networks through more presence of the state in the fields of health, education, infrastructure. We need to fight against money-laundering and the exporting of large amounts of cocaine through our ports.

  • Socially in my alliances I wanted to just have a strong alliance and making decisions but not putting it out there but letting other people be the target in that way. I think it worked until I should not have been playing that way anymore.

  • I think that anybody's craft is fascinating. A taxi driver talking about taxi driving is going to be very, very interesting.