Righteousness famous quotes
God imposeth no Law of Righteousness upon us which He doth not observe Himself.
-- Benjamin Whichcote -
God will begin to prosper you, for money always follows righteousness.
-- Benny Hinn -
Let us preach righteousness, and practice it. I do not wish to preach what I do not practice.
-- Brigham Young -
Faith is a gift of God bestowed as a reward for personal righteousness.
-- Bruce R. McConkie -
In spinning a robe of your own righteousness, before the sun goes down you will find it all unraveled.
-- Curtis Hutson -
My righteousness is just as good as Jesus' righteousness, because it IS Jesus' righteousness!
-- E. W. Kenyon -
It is not enough to be delivered from sin; it is enough to be delivered to righteousness.
-- Edwin Louis Cole -
The loudest psalm singer in the congregation always is a reformed sinner.
-- Elsa Maxwell -
You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible!
-- Ezra Taft Benson -
Pure Christlike love flowing from true righteousness can change the world.
-- Jeffrey R. Holland -
For even these are no less bestowed on him of pure grace, than are righteousness and salvation themselves.
-- Johann Arndt -
Our sins, when laid upon Christ, were yet personally ours, not his; so his righteousness, when put upon us, is yet personally his, not ours.
-- John Bunyan -
We shall never be clothed with the righteousness of Christ except we first know assuredly that we have no righteousness of our own.
-- John Calvin -
I can say, Christ has been my only object; thank God, my righteousness too... Hold fast to Christ.
-- John Nelson Darby -
This is faith: a renouncing of everything we are apt to call our own and relying wholly upon the blood, righteousness and intercession of Jesus.
-- John Newton -
Empathy is an antidote to righteousness, although it's very difficult to empathize across a moral divide
-- Jonathan Haidt -
Eternal truth, eternal righteousness, eternal love; these only can triumph, for these only can endure.
-- Joseph Barber Lightfoot -
To make your people understand what righteousness is, this must be the basis of all your teaching.
-- Joseph Barber Lightfoot -
Our righteousness doesn't depend on our present performance but on Jesus' finished performance.
-- Judah Smith -
You can drift into sin, but not into righteousness.
-- Leon Morris -
Righteousness has never precluded adversity.
-- M. Russell Ballard -
The eternal not ourselves that makes for righteousness.
-- Matthew Arnold -
So I like life and I like righteousness; if I cannot keep the two together, I will let life go and choose righteousness.
-- Mencius -
The only works of righteousness that serve to justify a sinner are the works of Christ.
-- R. C. Sproul -
A taste of righteousness can be easily perverted into an overweening sense of self-righteousness and judgmentalism.
-- R. Kent Hughes -
Do people get moral when they don't get ahead?
-- Ruth Gordon -
Beware of people whose halos are on too tight.
-- Sally Stanford -
To hunger and thirst after righteousness is when nothing in the world can fascinate us so much as being near God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth -
The Bible makes it clear that self-righteousness is the premier enemy of the Gospel.
-- Tullian Tchividjian -
Friendships are the purer and the more ardent, the nearer they come to the presence of God, the Sun not only of righteousness but of love.
-- Walter Savage Landor -
There is no robbery so terrible as the robbery committed by those who think they are doing right.
-- Mary Catherwood -
When you get so tired that you realize you cannot generate righteousness, come on back and I'll tell you about a gift.
-- Jeff VanVonderen