Topaz famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Happiness doesn't just flow from success; it actually causes it.

  • Thou canst not pray to God without praying to Love, but mayest pray to Love without praying to God.

  • It’s always more intriguing to imagine what’s happening, as opposed to seeing everything, because then you can use your imagination. I always wanted to be at a distance.

  • When she would walk, it was like rhythm. The guys' heads would bounce, but I wouldn't look because I was married.

  • It always shocked me when I realized that I wasn’t the only person in the world who thought and felt such strange and awful things.

  • True greatness consists in being great in little things.

  • You get more churches burned down in the United States in the last two years than in the last hundred, because of the lack of understanding of culture and diversity and the beauty of it

  • If they don't think, people act senselessly.

  • The pen is the language of the soul; as the concepts that in it are generated, such will be its writings.

  • Trust is not what the framers of the United States constitution and of this country relied on.