Perfect Life famous quotes


  • I am looking for a poem that says Everything so I don't have to write anymore.

  • Too much FANTASY loses REALITY, too much HOPE may seem somehow EMPTY.

  • America is deeply rooted in Negro culture: its colloquialisms; its humor; its music.

  • The laws of thermodynamics restrict all technologies, man's as well as nature's, and apply to all economic systems whether capitalist, communist, socialist, or fascist. We do not create or destroy (produce or consume) anything in a physical sense- we merely transform or rearrange. And the inevitable cost of arranging greater order in one part of the system (the human economy) is creating a more than offsetting amount of disorder elsewhere (the natural environment).

  • There is thought, and then there is thinking about thoughts, and they don't feel the same.

  • We forget that we were put on earth to learn something. If everything were perfect in this life, we would never learn anything new. We would not be able to elevate our spirits through the events that happen to us.

  • Every journalist who is not too stupid or too full of himself to notice what is going on knows that what he does is morally indefensible.

  • We all get our dreams stamped on from time to time, right? And if it didn’t hurt, what kind of second-rate dreams would they be?

  • The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith, and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety.

  • Who knows whither the clouds have fled? In the unscarred heaven they leave no wake; And the eyes forget the tears they have shed, The heart forgets its sorrow and ache.