How Time Flies famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • There's something extremely fragile about musicians, and that's their strength.

  • If you don't score you are not going to win a match.

  • If you cannot solve the proposed problem try to solve first some related problem.

  • Like an army defeated The snow hath retreated, And now doth fare ill On the top of the bare hill; The Ploughboy is whooping — anon — anon! There's joy in the mountains: There's life in the fountains; Small clouds are sailing, Blue sky prevailing; The rain is over and gone.

  • All too often, it seems, we're willing to be students of Christianity rather than disciples of Christ.

  • As you get older, you get stuck in your ways; just as you become stiffer physically, you also become stiffer mentally and more narrow-minded unless you make a conscious effort to keep yourself flexible.

  • Dachshunds have their own agenda and can be stubborn about seeing their plans through to completion. What Rosie lacked in consistency, she made up for in enthusiasm. Most of the time when I called her name, she sprinted back, her long ears cocked and flying like a little girl's pigtails. Each encounter was a glorious reunion, even if we'd been parted for only a minute or two. I had never felt so loved.

  • No one who lives in the sunlight of gratitude that things aren't worse makes a failure of his or her life.

  • I spent six years in the army. That's the reason I am like a drill sergeant sometimes.

  • sounds of life and movement, people getting ready and people giving up, the sound of hope and the sound of hanging on, and behind them all, the quiet, deadly ticking of a thousand hungry clocks...