I have neither silver nor gold, but I bring with me the most precious thing given to me: Jesus Christ.
We can now what better is without knowing what good is.
How wonderful it would be, I thought, if only we could practice the teachings of the Buddha as he really taught them from his own experience - free from the clouds of religiosity that often surround them Yet it's difficult to distinguish the tools themselves from their cultural packaging.
I don't want to remember 2005 as a year that the government heaped unnecessary burdens upon American families. Stealing from the poor and middle class and giving to the rich, while increasing the deficit, is hardly responsible.
There was a tangible sense of potential as we packed them up. 'We're giving people 3-D printers that they can afford. What are they gonna make?
When I was younger I always had a dark navy, black tie and everybody would look at me like it was odd, but now it is de rigueur. I'm sure it's my input.
Writing songs about it is a really useful way for me to love New York more, and stay observing it, and not just zone it out.
As a rule, one should never place form over content.
While we may open the books of the past, we may but grant flying glances of the future, through the mist that veils it.
When the beginnings of self destruction enter the heart, it seems no bigger than a grain of sand.