Critters famous quotes


  • I've been a therapist for more than forty years and certainly there is a place for "wise elders" in the healing process. But most people, most of the time, can heal themselves and those they love, with the help of their family, friends, and community.

  • I was brought up with psychics and tarot cards. My mum was always told I was going to be in a boy band and be famous as a singer.

  • If I'm not at my study by 10:00, 10:30, forget it, I can't write a word.

  • Three children have become adults since a phone call with Jo Rowling, containing one small clue, persuaded me that there was more to Snape than an unchanging costume, and that even though only three of the books were out at that time, she held the entire massive but delicate narrative in the surest of hands.

  • What’s the good of these great fragile fits of enthusiasm, these jaded jumps of joys? We know nothing anymore, but the dead stars; we gaze at their faces; and we gasp with pleasure. Our mouths are dry as the lost beaches, and our eyes turn aimlessly and without hope. Now all that remain are these cafés where we meet to drink these cool drinks, these diluted spirits, and the tables are stickier than the pavements where our shadows of the day before have fallen.

  • The only part I miss about driving is driving. That's it. I don't miss all the other stuff that goes along with it, all the other PR stuff. Anybody, when they quit driving, they miss the driving part.

  • Pronouncement of experts to the effect that something cannot be done has always irritated me.

  • All my children inherited perfect pitch.

  • The great society is a place where men are more concerned with the quality of their goods than with the quantity of their goods.

  • I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia, an abnormal decrease of sugar in the blood. Eventually I learned to eat five small meals a day. Now if I'm making a movie and get hungry, I call time out to eat some crackers