Random Chance famous quotes


  • Spending time with you just feels...right,somehow. Easy, like the way it's supposed to be. Like it is with my parents. They're just comfortable together, and I remember growing up thinking that one day I wanted to have that, too.

  • After the make-up process, I was like, "I never want to do a sci-fi movie where I'm in make-up for seven months." It's interesting. It was my first time ever getting prosthetics. They put this goopy stuff all over your head and they tell you it's like a facial, but it's actually very claustrophobic. All they have are these places where your nostrils are and I kept thinking that they were closing up, but they were like, "No, we're looking at it." So, they made a mold of my face.

  • Besides, the normal people here wouldn’t see it. That was what “different” meant. It’s just another word for lonely.

  • We would much prefer to see ownership in the hands of the Maple Group, if only because we would much rather see Canadian ownership of our stock exchange. What we are first of all interested in is making sure that Montreal is able to preserve that niche or expertise.

  • A woman wearing a revealing dress will always be sexier than a naked woman.

  • As many languages you know, as many times you are a human being

  • What the other teams do is something that I can never control, so I just keep focussed on my direction.

  • Fables take off from the severity of instruction, and enforce it at the same time that they conceal it.

  • There were no jewelry hidden. Walt wanted this atmosphere: They were supposed to live here, they've been outside somewhere, but they could come back at any minute and catch us.

  • I am who I am. In the end, I feel that what I'm accountable for is doing a good job as a football coach.