Markets are fundamentally volatile. No way around it. Your problem is not in the math. There is no math to get you out of having to experience uncertainty.
A lot of people may not know this but I'm quite famous.
Last time I was recording, I was trying to loop on the computer, but it's really difficult because it's really different from looping on hardware.
There are moments in history when a door for massive change opens, and great revolutions for good or evil spring up in the vacuum created by these openings. In these divine moments key men and women and even entire generations risk everything to become the hinge of history, the pivotal point that determines which way the door will swing.
People think I'm disciplined. It is not discipline. It is devotion. There is a great difference.
True wisdom consists in two things: Knowledge of God and Knowledge of Self.
A good Cuban cigar closes the doors to the vulgarities of the world.
Then I realized that most of the world's problems stemmed from macho dickheadism, and if I cold defeat that I could save the world.
Nothing has an uglier look to us than reason, when it is not on our side.
To act well in this world, one must sacrifice all personal desires. The people who become missionaries of religious thought have no other Fatherland than this thought. Man is not on Earth merely to be happy, nor even simply to be honest. He is here to realize great things for humanity, to attain nobility, and to surmount the vulgarity of nearly every individual.