Nazism famous quotes
Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death.
-- Adolf Hitler -
Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise.
-- Adolf Hitler -
Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction.
-- Adolf Hitler -
It is thus necessary that the individual should finally come to realize that his own ego is of no importance in comparison with the existence of the nation, that the position of the individual is conditioned solely by the interests of the nation as a whole.
-- Adolf Hitler -
If today I stand here as a revolutionary, it is as a revolutionary against the Revolution.
-- Adolf Hitler -
A régime [Nazism] which invented a biological foreign policy was obviously acting against its own best interests. But at least it obeyed its own particular logic.
-- Albert Camus -
I am doing just fine, considering that I have triumphantly survived Nazism and two wives.
-- Albert Einstein -
Darwinism is not a sufficient condition for a phenomenon like Nazism but I think it's certainly a necessary one,
-- David Berlinski -
I hope those who shouted "Fascist" and "Nazi" are aware that before they were born I was fighting against Fascism and Nazism.
-- Enoch Powell -
If the enemies of the SA are hoping that the SA will not return from leave, we are ready to let them enjoy the hope for a short time.
-- Ernst Rohm -
In many ways Nazism was antithetical to what the great mass of Germans said they admired - and certainly to what they paid homage. It was noisy, undisciplined, vainglorious; its leader was a half-educated posturing foreigner. For a decade the National Socialists were regarded as hoodlums, as part of the breakdown of what had been, if anything, an excessively ordered society before.
-- Eugene Davidson -
We have only one task, to stand firm and carry on the racial struggle without mercy.
-- Heinrich Himmler -
Education is dangerous - Every educated person is a future enemy.
-- Hermann Goring -
I joined the party because I was a revolutionary, not because of any ideological nonsense.
-- Hermann Goring -
We have no butter... but I ask you, would you rather have butter or guns? Preparedness makes us powerful. Butter merely makes us fat.
-- Hermann Goring -
Every bullet fired from the barrel of a police pistol was my bullet. If you call that murder, then I am the murderer.
-- Hermann Goring -
Hitler was no inexorable product of a German 'special path', no logical culmination of long-term trends in specifically German culture and ideology. Nor was he a mere 'accident' in the course of German history.
-- Ian Kershaw -
Hermann Goering, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Albert Speer, Walther Frank, Julius Streicher and Robert Ley did pass under my inspectionand interrogation in 1945 but they only proved that National Socialism was a gangster interlude at a rather low order of mental capacity and with a surprisingly high incidence of alcoholism.
-- John Kenneth Galbraith -
As socialists, we are opponents of the Jews, because we see in the Hebrews the incarnation of capitalism, of the misuse of the nation's goods.
-- Joseph Goebbels -
At the end of a century that has seen the evils of communism, Nazism and other modern tyrannies, the impulse to centralize power remains amazingly persistent.
-- Joseph Sobran -
Who are the moneylenders? They are those who were driven out of the Temple by Christ Himself 2000 years ago. They are those who never work but live on fraud.
-- Julius Streicher -
To avoid manufactured misunderstandings, the policies of Israeli governments are not analogous to Nazism. They do not aim at the systematic extermination of the Palestinian people, in the way Nazism sought the annihilation of the Jews.
-- Ken Livingstone -
I refuse to be. In the madhouse of the inhuman I refuse to live. With the wolves of the market place I refuse to howl ...
-- Marina Tsvetaeva -
Of course you can have an opinion about Islam without having read Qur'an. You don't have to read Mein Kampf to have an opinion about Nazism.
-- Richard Dawkins -
German Nazism could not have succeeded in establishing itself except as a result of the theoretical contributions of Fichte, Goethe and Nietzsche, coupled with the ingenious and mighty leadership of Hitler and his comrades.
-- Abul A'la Maududi -
Such terms as communism, socialism, Fabianism, the welfare state, Nazism, fascism, state interventionism, egalitarianism, the planned economy, the New Deal, the Fair Deal, the New Frontier are simply different labels for much the same thing.
-- Leonard Read