Revolver famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • God designed all Mankind should at all times know, what he wills them to know, believe, profess, and practice; and has given them no other Means for this, but the Use of Reason.

  • I think I'm a trivia nerd. I love to learn about everything. I'm curious.

  • People have a right to protest; they have a right to make their opinion. They can be very upset about what they consider to be a murder of a person in custody, but you cannot destroy property. First person does it goes to jail.

  • Friends are a weird thing. It seems like they know all about you, but then they don’t understand you at all.

  • I won't wait until the end of my term to say I made mistakes at the beginning. That's too late. I will try to adopt the proper behaviour, if the French give me the chance, right from the start.

  • Whenever I go to bars in London, people send me over Cosmopolitans. It's a very sweet gesture, but I don't like them, so they just sit there.

  • It is natural to man to indulge in the illusion of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, till she transforms us into beasts.

  • Ambient music must be as ignorable as it is interesting.

  • It's very easy to not know the stuff that you should know about the patient when you're seeing them. It's much easier with an electronic system to find them, because it's all right there and it should be current.

  • Girls come to the gang for very different reasons than boys. For boys in marginalized communities, they have a gender problem, and they solve it often through gang membership. They find an ability to do masculinity in a way that reasserts their importance in a society that mostly ignores them. For girls, they're coming out of more damaged backgrounds. Their families are often the reason they get propelled into gang membership.