Shearer famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Easier to keep changing your life than to live it.

  • Celebrate the feast of Christmas every day, even every moment in the interior temple of your spirit, remaining like a baby in the bosom of the heavenly Father, where you will be reborn each moment in the Divine Word, Jesus Christ.

  • You have to deal with the reality that in the political process, people are going to vote based on what they're hearing from their constituents and others.

  • Hillary Clinton's 506-page memoir has come out. So much of her personality shines through, that in the end, you, too, will want to sleep with an intern.

  • I'm very jealous of my daughter's education. She's been inspired by her teachers, and nobody inspired me as a teenager.

  • We know that the wages of secrecy are corruption. We know that in secrecy, error undetected will flourish and subvert.

  • Comprehensive, judicious, evenhanded, original. An Unfinished Life has the sober judgment and nuanced accuracy that make it ring true in all the controversial and tricky parts.

  • I'm definitely an athlete who has a hobby playing music. I've been doing baseball since I was 5 or 6. It's the only thing I've ever thought of really my whole life, and music came into my life actually in '99, playing and singing. It's definitely been the only hobby I've had that I can't put down.

  • Once you learn to look at architecture not merely as an art more or less well or more or less badly done, but as a social manifestation, the critical eye becomes clairvoyant.

  • If you can't write your song in half an hour, you're in trouble - which is always true.