Militarism famous quotes


  • Great drama is all about conflict, and what's a better conflict than Republican-Democrat?

  • For he who has died has been freed from sin...14 For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.

  • Just as Freud couldn’t always be blamed for the Freudians, Bresson didn’t always feel obliged to behave like a Bressonian.

  • Brighton gives me the heebie-jeebies. When I'm near the seafront I can't sleep, I can't eat.

  • When Paris has a cold, all Europe sneezes.

  • The disease having been caused by allowing cleverness to displace wisdom, no amount of clever research is likely to produce a cure.

  • Theres no such thing as a free lunch, at least on the karmic level.

  • The ocean is the lifeblood of our world.

  • League is much, much more physical than Union, and that's before anyone starts breaking the rules.

  • My father taught me that one of the most important abilities in life is to be able to take the pain and persevere, and for years this lesson had served me well.