Separate But Equal famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • And yet there are many times when it does not make any difference what pattern one uses. One thing is certain. The more bedraggled the fly gets the better the trout like it. I think there is a reason for this. I think the bedraggled half worn out wet fly more closely imitates a nymph than a new one does. Most commercial flies are tied too bushy and full. A little trimming of wings and thinning out of hackles will often work wonders.

  • We just did a few takes of a song and just picked the best one. It was real organic and genuine.

  • Homemaking is about making a home, not about making perfection.

  • If what you want to paint is the emotive mood in all its strength... then you must not sit and stare at everything and depict it exactly as one sees it.

  • Men hand out cigars. Women `hand out' babies. And thus the world, for thousands of years, has gone round.

  • Let's be honest - look what Hollywood at 18 is.

  • It's such an honour being banned in Italy, the mother of sensuality. It's like being asked to straighten your tie in a bordello... It's ironic that the pictures were removed on the complaint of a cardinal. I regard censorship as a cardinal sin.

  • Tears will get you sympathy, sweat will get you change.

  • I really miss Gunsmoke. It was like losing my whole family.

  • I sense a learning: that much dumber people than you end up in charge.