Restlessness famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • God is sovereign. His grace cannot be tamed.

  • Obviously sex and nudity sells, but that's what people go to cable for but that's not going to happen on network daytime television... so I think it really is always going to come down to story. How do you make a story interesting enough so people will tune in? That's always going to be it.

  • Whoever has the desire to pursue philosophy correctly should look to Nature's Archetype in every matter, so that by taking up Ariadne's thread in her intricate labyrinth he may keep himself safe and secure from wrong turns and deviant paths.

  • The best way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once.

  • The vulgar mind always mistakes the exceptional for the important.

  • I kind of like the position of being the fair-haired savior of my mother

  • Ignorance is the evil - knowledge will be the remedy. Knowledge not of what sort of beings we shall be hereafter, or what is beyond the skies, but a knowledge pertaining to terra firma, and we may have all the power, goodness and love that we have been taught belongs to God himself.

  • It's easy to be an actor at 8 or 9 in the morning, but it's really important to be focused and work hard at 6 and 7 at night, after you've been on the set for 10 or 12 hours. That time counts, too.

  • I'm hunting for little Mexican girls.

  • I shall stick to my resolution of writing always what I think no matter whom it offends.