Dravid famous quotes


  • 'American Idol' has taken over my whole life.

  • I want people to understand the amazing, positive way our software can make leisure time more enjoyable, and work and businesses more successful.

  • Our minds sometimes see what our hearts wish were true.

  • The realization of New Africa can only be possible by the African cultivating spiritual balance , which leads to the practicalization of social regeneration , to realizing economic determination , becoming mentally emancipated , and ushering in a political resurgence.

  • All basic scientists who look to the NCI for funding should know that I will tolerate no retreat on the study of model systems and the pursuit of fundamental biological principles.

  • I celebrate everyone's religious holidays. if it's good enough for the righteous, it's good enough for the self-righteous, I always say.

  • I wonder if we climb to heaven over the ruins of many cherished schemes.

  • I reject your reality and substitute my own.

  • In between that time, I've done book narrating, you know, books on tape for Dove Audio.

  • What I generally get from being in Africa is a sense of warmth and openness. As a stranger, you are always welcomed into people's homes and people are always offering you food. That generosity is incredibly touching.