Self Destructive famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • You don't stick a knife in a man's back nine inches and then pull it out six inches and say you're making progress.

  • If in doubt, do not pain. Inflict as little pain as possible. Look for alternatives to punishments, not only alternative punishments

  • A big part of filmmaking, and a big part of the power of filmmaking, is creating characters that people fall in love with. So, those things, like the bloopers, create more reality and dimension, and the sense that these are not drawings or shadows, but they are living, breathing, thinking characters. That's the illusion.

  • Not less than two hours a day should be devoted to exercise.

  • Do you know how pale & wanton thrillful comes death on a strange hour unannounced, unplanned for like a scaring over-friendly guest you've brought to bed Death makes angels of us all & gives us wings where we had shoulders smooth as raven's claws

  • I am a person who feels guilty for crimes I have not committed, or have not committed in years. The police search the train station for a serial rapist and I cover my face with a newspaper, wondering if maybe I did it in my sleep. The last thing I stole was an eight-track tape, but to this day I'm unable to enter a store without feeling like a shoplifter. It's all the anxiety with none of the free stuff.

  • If memory survived eternally, then indeed there might be justification for a belief in hell.

  • We knew Chris Matthews had no shame. Now we also know the king of TV ghouls has no souls

  • The very first practice we [Woody Weatherman, Mike Dean & myself ] did it was like, "Oh ok, I get it." We were jamming on some crazy ass, out of the box, weird time signature riffs and I got it, whereas anyone else who was playing with them recently would have been like, "What? What are you doing?" So I think there's something unspoken between the three of us that makes us Corrosion of Conformity.

  • Governments are best classified by considering who are the "somebodies" they are in fact endeavoring to satisfy.